Jashore English School & College (JESC)

Jashore Cantonment, Jashore

EIIN: 134057

History of JESC

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History of JESC

Jashore English School & College (JESC) is a unique non residential English medium institution. It is committed to explore the students’ potential through an extractive programme, interesting instructions and envious standard of achievements. JESC seeks no apology to offer an appropriate educational environment for each student through keen admission process and medical fitness.

Jashore English School & College (JESC) was established in 1995 as a part of ‘Dawood Public School’ of Jashore Cantonment bearing the name ‘Parashmoni Kindergarten’. It was run under the patronage of the Area Headquarters (HQ), Jashore. In January 2002 the school was separated from its mother institution and renamed as JESC.

During inception, the plan was to follow international curricula and provide opportunities to the students to appear ‘A’ level examinations within 8 to 10 years. Later, Army HQs decided to introduce the English version of National Curriculum from class V onward in all the English Medium Schools and if possible ‘A’ level concurrently. At present, international syllabus is being followed up to standard II and National Curriculum (English Version) from III onwards. In 2009 it was decided that the school should have classes starting from Play Group up to class XII in order to facilitate students’ continuation of studies.

In 2010 the school has got the affiliation from the Education Board, Jashore. The Educational Institutional Identity Number (EIIN) is 134057.