Jashore English School & College (JESC)

Jashore Cantonment, Jashore

EIIN: 134057

Do’s and Don’ts

Total views : 1553

Do’s and Don’ts

There are some Do’s and Don’ts which the students have to abide by as mentioned below:

i. Do`s for the Students of JESC.

(1) Pray regularly to the Almighty as per religion.

(2) Speak the truth, only the truth and always the truth.

(3) Always speak in English, every time and every where in campus.

(4) Be sure that you have prepared your studies for the next day/class before going to sleep every night,

(5) Always make sure that you dress neatly, work honestly and behave gently with all.

(6) Be friendly to all.

ii. Don’ts for the Students of JESC.

(1) No quarrelling or indecent act inside the school.

(2) No forced work of any kind.

(3) No lending or borrowing of a student’s personal possessions like stationeries, books, stamps, post cards, envelopes canteen chits.

(4) No disobedience to the teachers’ instructions.

(5) No smoking in the school.

(6) Never be late anywhere, anytime.