Jashore English School & College (JESC)

Jashore Cantonment, Jashore

EIIN: 134057

Co-curricular Activities

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Overview :

Students, besides their academic knowledge, need to have knowledge/exposure to extracurricular activities also. These extra extracurricular activities are to be set in a manner to enhance student’s knowledge base and developing confidence among them. These activities should be supplementary to his/her academic studies.  Students will be exposed to games and sports facilities in the school to get out of boredom and monotony. Games and Sports Competitions can generate enthusiasm and interest in children. Such competitions can also develop teamwork, spirit of cooperation, formation of character and teach the virtue of discipline. Different competitions will be held at different occasions throughout the year. The activities are framed into following parameters:

a.  Cultural Clubs – Music, Dance, Art etc.

b.  Science Club – Science Project, Science Fair, Computer works etc.

c.  Language Club – Debate, Recitation, Set/Extempore Speech etc.

All activities of the school and its students are carried out under the banner of different houses. All students will be equally divided into four houses. Teachers and employees will also be included in the house management as honorary members.


There will be four Houses with distinct colour codes as follows:

a. Rabindra House. After the name of the great poet Rabindranath Tagor. The Colour will be Green.

b. Nazrul House. After the name of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. The colour will be Blue.

c.Jasimuddin House. After the name of the great poet Jasimuddin. The colour will be Red.

d.Jibonanondo House.     After the name of the poet Jibonanondo Das. The colour will be Maroon.


Indoor Events:  The school conduct different indoor events as follows:
a. Table tennis.                              c. Chess.

b.  Carom.

Outdoor Events:  The school conduct different outdoor events as follows:

a. Foot ball                                    b. Volley ball

c. Cricket                                       d. Hand ball

e.  Basket ball                               f. Badminton

g.  Athletics etc.

Science Project :

The students take part in different science activities such as; Science Fair, Science project work,Math Olympiad etc.


There are different kinds of competitions in JESC as:

a.  Sports Competitions.   All kinds of sports and games, individual or group including athletics.

b.  Cultural Competition.  Debate, music, set and extempore speeches, rhymes, brain trust, drama, arts and science fair, scrapbook, Book review, essay writing, wall magazine etc. will be included in this category.

c. Discipline Competition. Attendance, individual neatness and cleanliness will be included in this category.

d. Academic Competition.  Academic results of all terms will be tabulated house wise to find out the best house and so on.

e. House Championship.  The summation of the above result is plotted to find out the champion and runner up houses in JESC. All the competitions whether individual, group, sports, cultural or academic will be converted into overall championships. The best, 2nd best, 3rd and 4th house will be decided through these results.

Study Tour: JESC plans every year for Study Tour/Exertion to different historical places outside the school.

Parents Teachers Meeting (PTM): In each term of the academic year all category guardians are invited to attend a meeting where they exchange their views with the teachers, Principal and even the Chairman of the school for the greater interest of the students.